
The Umbrella Incident

It's possible that by now some of you have wondered what has become of me. I can assure you that I haven't run away with the circus, nor have I embarked on a glamorous cruise around the world, nor even, more likely, become really lost in a fabric store. The truth is, I've been on a rather long blogging/sewing hiatus due to an unfortunate run-in with a market umbrella. You know, the kind with that clever bendy pinchy part that tilts the shade? I don't want to overshare the gory details, so let's just say it started with my own clumsiness and ended with a very bandaged finger and a tetanus shot.

After a few weeks I have finally regained use of my hand enough for sewing and camera wielding. AppleI sat down one afternoon and drafted up this fun scrappy apple, the pattern for which may or may not still need a little tweaking. And to keep myself from endlessly staring at my fabric stash wondering where to begin, I forced myself to use only fabric from my ridiculously crammed scrap drawer.

Before you ask...Every time I post a photo with this tape measure fabric, I get tons of emails inquiring about it, so I'll just go ahead and tell you the details here: the fabric is by American Jane, manufactured by Moda, and is currently out of print. Try searching eBay and you might get lucky! (The print to the left is also by American Jane, and the one on the right is a lemon print from Alexander Henry.)

Or, I have another option for you. If you happen to have Flea Market Fancy prints that you could be convinced to part with, I would love to work out a trade with you for some of this retro ruler fabric. I also have several coordinating prints, so if you're interested, please send me a note! You can find my email address in my Blogger profile.

Speaking of sewing, I sort of left you hanging awhile back, for an unintentionally long time. So, here is another glimpse of my next project, which will hopefully soon be your next project!


I love these squeezy soft elephants and I can't wait to share the pattern with you!

Things may remain quiet here in Blogland as summer rolls around (though I hope not). The boys have just a couple of weeks of school left, and then I will be keeping them educated and entertained full time over the next few months. I'll try to pop in and at least post photos of whatever projects I'm able to squeeze in during the hours that I'm supposed to be sleeping.

Have a safe weekend, everybody!



  1. Ooh, my mum collects elephants and is becoming supper supportive of my growing craftiness. She'd love that! Hope to see the details soon!
    Clumsiness is a part of my nature so I completely empathise with the bandaged finger. I hope the sewing hiatus whilst healing hasn't been too frustrating for you!

  2. The elephants are very adorable!

  3. sorry about your finger, i tend to be extremely clumsy, so i understand how these things happen. I can not wait to make one of those elephants, too darn cute!!!

  4. Glad you are back! Love the elephants!!!

  5. Finger injuries...ugh!
    so sorry....glad to see you back
    sweet elephants!

  6. I hope both the apple and the elephant become patterns!

  7. both the apple and elephant are adorable! can't wait to see the elephant post

  8. Reading about your incident it occurred to me that crafters and bloggers may have to think of having an insurance plan for their hands. :). I loved the pear and the elephant. The Elephant pattern will be of my great interest. Cheers. Beatriz

  9. Glad you are okay :) I just love your elephant!

  10. I don't know, I can't get past the handsome male model in your photos! Too cute! Glad you're healing Kim! Love, Kara

  11. Olá Kim,
    Sou uma Brasileira que admira seu trabalho! Sorry, dont spaky engles.The elephants are wonds.


  12. Glad you're back in business on your blog. Looking forward to the elephant pattern - expecting my first grandbaby, a boy, in October and would like to make him a HERD of elephants! :-)

  13. I hope your finger is well healed by now.

    Your Elephants are adorable, I've just made myself an elephant pincushion and was planning to make a larger one as a gift for a new baby. I had been wondering how to do the eyes, yours look very effective.

  14. Such cute fabrics.. I use some very exciting fabrics to make kids retro skirts..Love love! x

  15. Olá, Kim! Eu fiz elefantes seguindo seu modelo, em laranja e pink. Foram inspirados nos seus, que acho lindos! Beijos
