
Newsy news

Hello friends! I'm so sorry for my prolonged absence from posting, but I do have a most excellent excuse...

Let's see if you can guess which of the following is the reason for my disappearance:

A) I'm taking a paddle board sabbatical in Bora Bora
B) I've become Doctor Who's newest companion
C) I forgot my Google password (okay, that's not an excellent reason, but it does sound like something I'd do)
D) I'm writing a book!!!

 Retro Mama is writing a book!

Possibly the exclamation marks have given away the correct answer. Although, doesn't Bora Bora sound nice?

 Retro Mama is writing a book!

I'm absolutely bursting to share every little detail with you, but alas, it's not yet time. Meanwhile, I will continue dreaming, sketching, drafting, cutting, pinning, and stitching up a bunch of adorable projects that I think you'll love and will keep you busy in the near-ish future!


  1. Congratulations - that is wonderful news.
    p.s. Got the comment to work by not going through Bloglovin.

  2. Thanks so much! Bloglovin users should be able to comment now, I've got the problem fixed :)

  3. How exciting, congratulations, I look forward to hearing more soon. Good luck with it.

  4. Congrats! That's so exciting. Can't wait to see what you dream up.

  5. Yay! That's so great. Congratulations!!

  6. Congratulations - how exciting! Although I think traveling with the Doctor would be fantastic!

  7. Thank you everyone! Traveling with the Doctor does sound amazing... :)

  8. Congratulations!!! How wonderful and fun!! :) Happy day to you!! xo Holly

  9. Awesome! I can't wait to see the projects in the book (*fingers crossed, hoping for at least one doll*).
