

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago when I was a wee lass, I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. My recollection is that I almost immediately responded that I wanted to be a ballet dancer.

You see, I had a perfectly fluffy pink tutu that made me feel like a beautiful ballerina. I even took ballet lessons, although I was completely terrible at it--adorable, but terrible.

It's been quite some time since my dancing dreams had faded, so the request for me to make a ballerina doll to show at Quilt Market was a very welcome surprise! I initially thought about using my Greta pattern, but she just didn't have that ballerina feel to me, so I came up with a new doll.

 Ballerina doll by Retro Mama
Instead of a tulle-only tutu I wanted to show off more of those gorgeous Arabesque prints by Anna Griffin, and so made her a skirt with some tulle layers on top, with a vintage button jewel on the waistband.
 Ballerina doll by Retro Mama
There is something so special about ballet slippers, I just had to put little soles on the back so my ballerina could dance en pointe.
 Ballerina doll by Retro Mama
I especially love her eyes.
 Ballerina doll by Retro Mama
Isn't this antique (and completely hand sewn) baby quilt amazing? Every stitch is perfect.
 Ballerina doll by Retro Mama
I am putting this pattern together right now for you, but it will take a little while to get it just right--I'll be sure to post updates!

Happy Stitching,


  1. It is so so cute!! My compliments!

  2. What a beautiful post and doll! Alas...I was not a ballet dancer and I don't have any daughters, but I think I'll still want to make this doll. She's just adorable and would make a lovely gift for any special girl!

  3. Thank you for the lovely comments!

  4. Absolutely beautiful. Hurry with the pattern!! :-) Julie x

  5. I haven't been into dolls for a very long time and I have a son - but this is the most darling thing I've seen in a long, long time. I actually love your ballerina! I think it makes me feel nostalgic and brings warm memories. So lovely!

  6. This doll is adorable. I love her! Can't wait for the pattern!

  7. Love this pretty little dolly! I would love to make a few of these for Christmas gifts, do you think the pattern will be ready soon. Don't mean to rush you or anything mind haha

  8. Super cute ,I love her. Sadly I don't have a daughter .

  9. I want this for my daughter for Christmas! It is beautiful.

  10. I saw the doll at the Quilt Festival and I wanted the pattern right there on the spot! I absolutely adore her.

  11. Oh my goodness!! She's beautiful. I want this pattern!!!!

  12. My granddaughter loves her ballet class so I cant wait to make this doll for her!
